Push your own limits and help others push theirs as you help make Internet history. Metro Internets in smart gigabit cities will permit applications and services that are ultra-responsive, that operate in sync with the real-world, that are designed to serve the Internet of Things, that leverage Big Data, and that provide a degree of inlaid security not possible in today’s Internet.
US Ignite seeks a National Community Leader to help launch innovative applications and services for novel Metro Internets to be seeded into more than fourteen American smarter cities. She or he will work with community leaders in each seed city to energize that city’s civic, academic, corporate, and nonprofit resources to produce and deploy imaginative applications and services newly enabled by their new city-centric Metro Internets. The result will be visually attractive and functionally compelling new applications and services in healthcare, education, transportation, public safety, advanced manufacturing, and clean energy.
The National Community Leader will support implementation of a National Science Foundation-funded leading-edge project to develop and deploy the novel smart-city-centric Metro Internet (future Internet) architecture. The Leader will encourage and manage information sharing with and between city-based Community Coordinators, develop program ideas and materials that can be used by the Community Coordinators in their local monthly meetings, and facilitate communication and interaction among developer teams.
The project’s ambitious goal is to assemble and jump-start a growing and sustainable ecosystem of smart gigabit city Metro Internet testbeds and corresponding applications and services delivering important new advances in national priority areas that would not be feasible using today’s commercial Internet. In doing so, the project will open up new economic development opportunities. Multi-gigabit links will interconnect the cities, and community-based interoperable Metro Internet infrastructure will allow entrepreneurs and academics in one community to write visually-compelling and ultra-responsive new Internet applications that can be replicated into other cities and regions. The larger market size created by the expanding ecosystem of such interconnected smart gigabit cities will put this project on a self-sustaining path attractive to entrepreneurs and established companies alike. An important key will be the involvement of citizens and community organizations in building and experimenting with multiple advanced networking applications addressing national priorities.
The Leader selected will join a high-energy US Ignite Team determined to leverage new Metro Internet technology for the benefit of all. The success created will likely lead to a growing number of Metro Internet cities, new startups, and ever wider use of a growing portfolio of Metro Internet applications and services. The selected Leader will end up being very valuable to organizations which will later commercialize Metro Internet technology, applications, and services. US Ignite (https://www.us-ignite.org/) is a non-profit public-private organization launched at the White House in 2012 with inspiration from the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy and the National Science Foundation.
Loves to work with a wide variety of progressive community leaders
Enjoys overcoming challenges
Thrives on creating success and helping others create their own successes
Holds a 4-year college degree
Has engaged with communities and community outreach, both online and offline
Learns and explains technical concepts at a high level
Speaks and writes well and communicates effectively with community leaders
Thinks strategically
Cultivates relationships
Develops and delivers effective presentations
Travels when and as necessary to conduct the evangelism and outreach activities
Exhibits an enthusiastic, outgoing and engaging personality
Presents herself or himself professionally
Maintain close coordination with each community’s team coordinator
Work with community application development teams to spark their imaginations
Identify and address community challenges
Develop an implementation handbook for use by community teams
Develop resources (guides, videos, PowerPoint presentations, white papers, wikis, etc.) that help explain the project and ways in which people might benefit from it
Conduct most business by telephone, video, e-mail, and other electronic means, though some in-person evangelism and recruitment will be involved
Encourage and manage information sharing with and between cities and their Community Coordinators; develop monthly program ideas and materials that can be used by the Community Coordinators in their local monthly meetings; facilitate communication and interaction among developers.
Write quarterly reports describing progress within each community.
Reports to the Principal Investigator
Partners with the National Technology Leader to ensure successful program results
Coordinates with each city’s Community Coordinators
Communicates with and leverages the wider US Ignite community for project success and dissemination
Appropriate to knowledge, experience, and location
Washington, DC
Other locations may be considered on an exceptional basis; please explain when you apply
US Ignite is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate on the basis of age, color, disability, ethnicity, gender identity, genetic information, marital status, national origin, pregnancy, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or status as a U.S. veteran.
Respond to this posting or send an e-mail to hiring@us-ignite.org with a subject line of “National Community Leader Search – <your name>”. Please include contact information, a résumé or curriculum vitae (CV), and brief phrases to complete the following statements:
(1) “I have a lot of energy for __.”
(2) “One of my favorite cities is because “.
(3) “Working on the cutting edge of technology appeals to me because __.”
Applications submitted without responses to these questions will not be considered complete and may be discarded. E-mail from recruiters or other third parties will be not be accepted.
The position is available immediately. Applications will be considered on a rolling basis as received until the position is filled. Successful applicants will pass a background check and have a 90-day probationary period with US Ignite. US Ignite is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.