Program Coordinator Intern – I’RAISE Girls & Boys International Corporation – Bronx, NY

Program Coordinator Intern Expectations & Assignments

Managing the overall programs and services of I’RAISE
Developing consistent procedures for recruiting and referring young people
Overseeing development and implementation of all promotional and educational efforts
Cultivating and maintaining all necessary external contacts and relationships for implementing and maintaining IRAISE programs
Recruiting, screening, training and supervising new volunteers,
Matching mentor pairs for mentoring program
Developing and maintaining all records, policies and procedures
Coordinating I’RAISE activities
Checking in regularly with volunteer and mentors and offering ongoing support
Developing a plan to recognize program participants
Developing a plan to evaluate the program including soliciting participant feedback
Tracking program statistics
Documenting development of I’RAISE programs

College Students are welcome

How to apply

To apply for intership, please email resume to
