We want to become the best teachers we can be. As a team, we share our core values and share our belief in the vision of Collegiate Academies – to prepare all scholars for college success. We are looking for people like us!
At our two new schools, G.W. Carver Preparatory Academy and G.W. Carver Collegiate Academy, we will add a 12th grade in the 2015 school year. Across our schools, over 18% of our student population has special needs; many more require interventions. Our Intervention Teachers work with our scholars who need the most support to reach their big goals.
Reading Intervention Teacher
Our scholars enter the 9th grade reading on average between a 4th and 5th grade level. We give all entering scholars diagnostics to assess their reading levels and every scholar below a 6th grade level in reading we further assess what our scholars need. Fifty percent of our scholars require reading intervention, including phonics, fluency, and comprehension. Our reading intervention teachers teach a full load of classes focused on these skills to ensure that these scholars grow as quickly as possible. These are typically small groups of 6-12 scholars for each period.
Math Intervention Teacher
Just as we provide Reading Interventions to all scholars who need it, we do the same for Math. For all scholars entering below a 6th grade level in math, Algebra I will be a very challenging course. We take the opportunity in the 9th grade to make sure all scholars master the lower level skills they need to be successful in Algebra I and beyond. Math Intervention Teachers could teach a full class of scholars a Pre-Algebra course, a course building to Pre-Algebra skills, or a small group upper level math course (Geometry, Algebra II, etc.) for scholars who continue to struggle and need extra support.
Reach/Explorers Teacher (Mild/Moderate classifications)
This teacher works with children who typically have mild to moderate disability classifications. This group of scholars needs to receive strategic instruction over the course of their high school career to be able to earn their high school diploma. In addition to a focus on academics, the Reach/Explorers Teacher also works to prepare scholars for transitions to careers and other rigorous post-secondary outcomes. Each scholar’s schedule is individualized to their strengths and growth areas. This means that for some scholars this setting is self-contained while for others, this setting functions a resource environment.
Essential Skills Teacher (Moderate/Severe classifications)
This teacher typically works with children who have moderate to severe cognitive disabilities and autism. A teacher in this role provides rigorous instruction in a largely self-contained setting in the areas of transition, math, and literacy. Scholars who participate in this program generally receive their core instruction in this setting and are meaningfully included in the other parts of the day. Some examples include: lunch, advisory, grade-level morning meetings, weekly celebrations, etc. The Essential Skill Teacher works to engage scholars outside of the classroom and in the community to prepare for transition to rigorous post-secondary outcomes. Some weekly programs include: working in our garden, on campus internships, and field trips to develop new skills.
Therapeutic Program Teachers: Travelers and Journey Program (ED/EBD classifications)
This teacher works with our scholars whose behavioral needs heavily impede their academic progress in the general education setting. These scholars often have both special education classifications and severe trauma and thus need a more restrictive and therapeutic behavioral setting. Based on the scholars individualized behavioral needs, the Travelers or Journey Program Teacher will provide part or all of scholars’ needed instruction within the Travelers and Journey Program settings. The Travelers or Journey Program Teacher will also put a strong emphasis on Social and Emotional Learning in addition to academics. Social and Emotional Learning is also infused in academic instruction throughout the day.
Hold high expectations for each student.
Demonstrate strong teaching skills.
Collaboratively develop and institute universal student policies within classrooms and throughout the school campus.
Foster positive rapport and relationships with students.
Create an enthusiastic and optimistic learning environment.
Communicate frequently with parents.
Set and meet measurable goals for students.
Demonstrate flexibility and creatively embrace the ambiguities of building an organization focused on constant improvement.
Serve on school committees as needed.
Perform clerical duties, as required, relating to textbooks, instructional supplies, student reports and records, attendance reports, etc.
Remain on call in the evenings to provide student support.
Manage a caseload of IEPs; maintain up-to-date paperwork on all IEPs, maintain regular contact with scholars’ families, support teachers in executing accommodations and modifications outlined in IEPs, and organize annual IEP meetings for scholars on caseload.
Desire to work at a college-prep high school rebuilding urban education in the city of New Orleans.
Desire to grow as a teacher and person.
Positive attitude and strong work ethic.
Deep belief that all students, regardless of their backgrounds and educational pasts, have the potential to succeed in college and beyond, and that it is the responsibility of schools to help students realize that potential.
Strong knowledge in content area of choice.
How to apply
Please answer the following questions in a separate document:
1. Why do you want to work at Collegiate Academies?
2. What will be your greatest strength in this role? What do you anticipate would be your greatest weakness/area of growth?
3. What do you find gives you the most energy on a daily basis in your school-based roles? What do you find drains the most energy?
Email your answer document, resume and cover letter to Michael Koler, Manager of Recruitment and Selection, at humancapital@collegiateacademies.org.
In your cover letter, please explain how you heard about Collegiate Academies and your interest and qualifications in the position. Write your name and the job title in the subject line of the email, in this format: Full Name_Name of Position.