Dream of Being a Teacher?
Is it your dream to be a teacher? Are you enrolled in education classes, or are you brand new to the field and not quite sure if you are ready? Be an aspiring teacher at New Dawn! There are many benefits to joining our staff as an aspiring teacher:
• Getting real life experience in the school setting
• Working with students
• Working with teachers
• Getting a bird’s eye view of a day in the life of a full time teacher
Mission Statement: New Dawn Charter High School will provide over-aged and under-credited students 15-21 years of age, including those who are English Language Learners and those with special needs, the opportunity to return to school and obtain a high school diploma through a rigorous NYSED standards-based education program. Within the framework of the education program, three programs will be offered: 1) Interventions for those with fewer than 11 credits, and for those with 11 or more credits: 2) Internships in the community and 3) College enrollment.
New Dawn will be entering its sixth academic year and provides an exciting opportunity for aspiring teachers with entrepreneurial spirits to continue to grow a school that addresses the needs of some of the most at-risk students in New York City. Whoever takes these positions will be given an incredible opportunity to join our staff, and potentially grow to a full time teacher. Past Aspiring Teachers have gone on to great careers in education.
New Dawn Charter High School is located in Cobble Hill, Brooklyn in Community School District 15. New Dawn is no student’s first high school and we do not recruit from 8th grade. The program at New Dawn is specifically designed for those students who are struggling with their education and at risk of dropping out or students who have already dropped out.
The philosophy at New Dawn is based on the belief that all students have a right to an education, even if it takes numerous attempts. Students need support in all areas of their lives and teachers are involved in all aspects, working with the whole student. Teachers are involved in the governance of the school as well through participation in committees. There will be time daily (along with prep periods) for teachers to work together to develop lesson plans, design assessments, and work on professional development.
Aspiring Teachers at New Dawn are considered an integral part of the staff. This is our third year in the Aspiring Teacher program and new candidates will have the opportunity to meet with the current Aspiring Teachers. Aspiring Teachers are provided all the same professional development opportunities as teachers, they serve as permanent substitute teachers, and teach a class of their own.
Ways in which we are different from traditional schools and benefits:
• You will work with some of the most interesting and deserving students in NYC—those who have been left behind, for a variety of reasons, by more traditional organizations;
• Every day will provide not only challenges but opportunities to reach students and leave you with the knowledge that you have in fact made a difference is someone’s life;
• Ongoing daily support for you and unlimited opportunities for professional development;
• A principal who will come to your class and support you in achieving your individual goals for personal growth;
• Peer Committees made up of teachers who visit each other’s classrooms and make suggestions to each other with no administrative input;
• Professional Learning Communities who address school-wide issues;
• A very strong support staff who understand that the point of the school is to provide opportunities to students and that their job is to support this goal;
• A supportive Board of Trustees who understand the challenges of working in a transfer school; and
• Participation in a Federal Teacher Incentive Grant (PICCS) where you will be exposed to unlimited future career and growth opportunities.
Ways in which we are different which are outlined in our Charter with NYSED Board of Regents:
• Teachers serve on every committee in the school including: Attendance, Discipline, School Based Student Team, Management, Student Learning Objectives, Staff Compensation, and attend Board meetings.
• We work from 9 to 5 September through June with an hour at the end of the day for professional development and addressing school-wide issues;
• Instruction is informed by actual data collected by teachers in the classroom and analyzed through the PerfPlus Program;
• Teachers and staff participate in Instructional Rounds with other schools involved in the PICCS project, this is done by visiting schools, conducting classroom observations and developing problems of practice that impact us all;
• Opportunities to becomes trained and certified in the Danielson Classroom Observation Rubric; and
• Access to professional developers from TERC Using Data, Danielson, A.L.L., among others.
Benefits we offer to all staff:
• Opportunities for developing leadership within the school;
• Connecting staff to outside consultants who may be able to help you move your career in the direction you have chosen; and
• A community where you will be heard.
Position Type: Full-time Internship
Positions Available: 2