High School Religion Teacher and Campus Minister – Cristo Rey New York High School

Religion & Campus Ministry:

One position: Freshman year Introduction to Scripture course and Senior year World Religions & Sacraments course, with Campus Ministry duties

Faculty in our Religion & Campus Ministry department teach as part of collaborative team in each course, developing and administering activities and all assessments in common with other teachers of other sections of the same courses.

Each member of the Religion & Campus Ministry department is also responsible for taking primary responsibility for one major area of ministry and serving in a supporting role for the others: retreats, liturgies, Christian Service, adult faith formation.


-Bachelor’s degree in Theology required

-Master’s degree in Theology or Religious Education is preferred but not required;

-Prior successful full-time teaching and ministry experience in grades 7 – 12 is required;

-Prior experience in Cristo Rey schools, Teach for America, Alliance for Catholic Education, or Nativity/Miguel Schools is a plus.

How to apply

Qualified applicants will have teaching experience at the secondary level, and will be effective teaching and assessing a culturally diverse student population.

Please send a cover letter, resume & list of three professional/supervisory references to:

Mr. William Ford, Principal

Cristo Rey New York High School

112 East 106th Street

New York, New York 10029

Or you may send them by email to wford@cristoreyny.org

APPLICATIONS will be considered until the position is filled.

Applicants who do not meet advertised requirements will not be considered.
