NCPOFFC Legal – National Center on Protection Orders and Full Faith & Credit – Arlington, VA

The National Center on Protection Orders and Full Faith & Credit (NCPOFFC) provides technical assistance and training on the full faith and credit provision of the Violence Against Women Act, enforcement of federal and state firearm prohibitions as they relate to domestic violence, custody provisions in protection orders, and the federal domestic violence and stalking crimes.

Legal Intern Responsibilities

•Research and synthesize statutes and relevant case law.
•Aid in the development of resource materials designed to help allied professionals.
•Participate in organizing and hosting training events.
•Assist in the writing and editing of newsletters, publications and other resources.

This is an 11-week unpaid internship program beginning May 18, 2015 and ending July 24, 2015.

NCPOFFC staff will train and familiarize the intern with statutes and subject matters that they will be working with throughout the summer. Each intern is required to attend trainings and supervisory meetings with his/her assigned attorney each week.

Applicant Qualifications

•Open to all 1L, 2L or 3L law school students.
•Research and legal writing skills.
•Strong computer skills and proficiency in use of Lexis and other online legal search tools.
•Demonstrated interest in civil and criminal justice issues surrounding intimate partner violence.
•Ability to work with others and independently as needed.
•Strong organizational skills and detail-oriented.
•Completed Criminal law and Constitutional law preferred, not required.
How to apply

Please submit cover letter, resume and a writing sample to
