After School Program Coordinator – ACPPA Community Art Center – Norristown

CASA, our Creative After School Alternatives program, is dedicated to using the arts to help middle school students navigate a particularly difficult time of their lives. Arts explorations provide opportunities not only for self-expression, but for character and social skill building, conflict resolution, academic support, and opportunities to engage the surrounding communities. With the support of dedicated volunteers from Ursinus College, the CASA Program Coordinator creates safe spaces for young people to explore the many challenges present in their lives. CASA promotes resilience and a lifetime of learning.

CASA runs Monday through Thursday afternoons and follows the Norristown Area School District Calendar. This co-ed program accepts no more than 25 students (students are in grades 5-6). The program ends on Thursday, May 18th (does not run on early dismissal or school holidays). Students typically arrive on site at ACPPA between 3:15-3:30pm and are dismissed at 5:00pm. Programming each day includes homework time and mentoring, snacks, and an arts-integrated activity.

CASA is an arts-based program and the Coordinator should have a background in the arts (dance, music, theater, visual art, etc.). The program’s arts curriculum is at the discretion of the hired Coordinator – we welcome all genres of the arts.

Please note: This program did start in the fall of 2016 and we are currently searching for a replacement Coordinator to step into the position and finish the current school year. The program ends on May 18, 2017.

Program Coordinator Weekly Work Schedule:
8 hours of programming, Monday-Thursday, 3-5pm*
4 additional hours of planning (days/times are flexible)
Some school weeks may not have the full 8 hours of program time if the students are off school/have early dismissal (these are lost work hours for the Coordinator)
Salary: $16/hour (coordinator is hired as an independent contractor, taxes are not taken out); Coordinator will invoice ACPPA bi-weekly for hours worked

Overview of Responsibilities
Applicant must be able to:
– Oversee daily direction and management on-site of students, volunteers, and overall programming
– Communication skills: be able to effectively and clearly communicate with students, volunteers, parents, and local schools/community programs; communicate with Executive Director and/or Director of Education
– Be able to provide support and ongoing training of program volunteers
– Be able to plan an arts-based program curriculum, develop/create lesson plans and activities, work with volunteers to plan activities
– Work within the provided CASA budget or seek support for supplemental funding and donations of materials (i.e. for field trips, additional supplies or projects, etc.)

To apply to this position, please email your cover letter, resume, and 2 references to the Director of Education, Stephanie De Simone, at
