Join Boston Cares as an AmeriCorps VISTA member to support an innovative training program for young adults ages 16-24, living in low-income communities. Through professional skills workshops and academic trainings, youth participants will learn valuable 21st century work skills and gain an understanding of important community issues. As a VISTA in this exciting program, you will have the opportunity to shape programs that support youth on their path to reaching long-term school and career goals and improving their communities. VISTAs will build community volunteer capacity to expand anti-poverty services and programs available to youth. This program is a partnership between AmeriCorps, Points of Light and Boston Cares.
Member Duties : *Engage in community meetings to meet community leaders and residents, understand community priorities and develop relationships. *Conduct community asset mapping. *Conduct recruitment efforts in the community to engage young adults and volunteers – specifically success coaches, trainers, and subject matter experts – to participate in the program. Utilize community mapping results to engage volunteers and clients.*Assess the program’s approach, outreach efforts, and supplemental programs; work to establish a strong, sustainable program inline with local needs and organizational capacity. Equip local volunteers and staff to lead program beyond duration of VISTA placement. *Assess and track relevant data – outputs and outcomes.* Submit monthly reports and great stories. *Provide ongoing support to young adults, particularly on service projects.*Engage in National Days of Service including MLK Day of Service and National AmeriCorps Week.