General Information (see Qualifications below):
Positions are available using your gifts, skills, and education to benefit a community that is still in redevelopment after an earthquake. Check out our site at and email for more information.
We seek Christians who desire to impact the world. Your gifts and skills can be used in community development and missions. Throughout the application process we will discuss the different possibilities for your time here.
Focus areas include:
Sustainable Agriculture
Project Management
Secondary Education
English Language Instruction
Small Business Start Up
Please, check out our site for more details and information. (Spanish skills are recommended, but not required.)
Información General: Tenemos puestos disponibles usando sus talentos, destrezas y educación para el beneficio de una comunidad que aún se está desarrollando después de un terremoto devastador. Consulte nuestra página de Internet: y mándele un correo a para más información.
Deseamos estudiantes cristianos que están interesados en impactar al mundo. Sus dones y talentos se pueden usar en las misiones y el desarrollo comunitario. A través del proceso de solicitud, discutiremos las diferentes posibilidades para su tiempo con nosotros.
Áreas de enfoque incluyen:
Agricultura sostenible
Educación Secundaria
Administración de Proyectos
Instrucción en inglés
Pequeñas Emprezas
Por favor, investigue nuestra página de Internet para más detalles e información.
1. ADE staff are professionals in their respective fields yet we actively choose to live a simple life style in the communities where we work as a witness that development (social, economic, etc.) does not depend upon outside resources as it is commonly practiced today. We believe development is understanding the process of how to do things in your life and not having things. Thus we would never support the active pursuit of funds to build a community hospital, as an example, but we would support someone in our community to become an architect/engineer in order to become a builder of that hospital, and better yet, many hospitals. It is a slower and more difficult process of development, at least at the beginning, but it clearly puts the emphasis on local capacity building rather than on proselytizing ourselves in the community to outside resources and funds thus creating dependency and a development where the NGO workers benefit more from the experience than the actual community members. Thus the name ADE, an emphasis on development through our education (and not “aid”) as a different model for assisting communities.
2. ADE staff members have an active personal relationship with Jesus through prayer, personal study of the Bible, communion with other believers, acts of service, forgiveness to others, and a process of continually dying to oneself (passions, pride, ego, consumerism, etc.) so that God can be more alive in our lives. We are non-denominational and represent various faith backgrounds but share a common personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
3. As a practical consequence of our faith and our critique of current development models, ADE staff do not work for a salary. We all work and are active economic producers in our community and everything we earn we put into a common purse. From the common purse we pay for our basic needs (food, housing, transportation, medical costs, personal spending, etc.) as well as funding our different community development projects (organic farm, local high school, educational activities, etc.). We are committed to living a simple life yet we lack nothing and live well. The idea is that anybody that has a call to “go” can simply just do it. This is a direct application of Jesus’ instructions in Matthew 10 and also Matthew 28:18-20. Using the ADE model, one does not have to raise funds in order to go. In addition, and perhaps more importantly, it is a transparent model that anybody can reproduce. The way we live in the community can be reproduced by any member of that community and in fact, we actively invite others to come and live as we do with the intent that they will one day go out and reproduce the model in other communities of need. The idea is to be completely sustainable, transparent, and reproducible.