A peaceful place to live and work… where every day has purpose…
Join a progressive thinking, spiritual based, and service oriented community that lives on-site and operates a growing retreat center in east central Minnesota. Two leader/managers needed:One person to oversee the kitchen and one person to oversee the land and facilities.)We are looking for individuals who will be dedicated partners with other community members, strong leaders in the organization and skilled managers in their areas of responsibility. These positions offer an extraordinary opportunity for those with a passion for community living, environmental stewardship, spiritual growth, hospitality, and service. More information can be found on the website, www.ArcRetreat.org
If you arelooking for a different way to live and a chance to make a difference in the world… emailapply@ArcRetreat.org with your name and full contact information. (Phone inquires will not be received at this time.) You will be sent special information about ARC and this position opening.