Senior Development and Communications Officer – New York – Encounter

Organizational Overview
Encounter is a non-partisan educa­tional orga­ni­za­tion culti­vating more nuanced, informed and construc­tive Jewish lead­er­ship on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. We enable Jewish communal leaders to meet first­hand with Palestinians through immer­sive travel to the West Bank and East Jerusalem and through special programs in North America. Encounter is seeding a cadre of Jewish leaders span­ning the breadth of our community’s reli­gious and polit­ical spectra, equip­ping them to engage across lines of differ­ence on one of the most divi­sive and polar­izing issues of our time. In our tenth year, Encounter boasts an alumni commu­nity of over 2,000 – comprised of rabbis of every denom­i­na­tion, and lay and profes­sional lead­er­ship of every major orga­ni­za­tion in American Jewish life, including AIPAC and J Street, American Friends of Likud and Americans for Peace Now, and has been selected for nine consec­u­tive years as one of the most inno­v­a­tive and impor­tant non-profits by The Slingshot Fund. With a budget of $1 million and a staff team of seven, Encounter is at a key moment of insti­tu­tional growth.

Position Description
This is an exciting oppor­tu­nity for a talented and entre­pre­neurial indi­vidual to lead devel­op­ment and commu­ni­ca­tions for the orga­ni­za­tion. As a member of the senior lead­er­ship team, s/he will be respon­sible for creating and imple­menting a compre­hen­sive fundraising strategy and infra­struc­ture and for raising the visi­bility of Encounter. The ideal candi­date has the ability to work inde­pen­dently and with a team, and take initia­tive while providing lead­er­ship and strategic direc­tion for the orga­ni­za­tion on devel­op­ment and commu­ni­ca­tions. S/he will work closely with the Executive Director to create and develop sustained rela­tion­ships with a wide range of funders, and to serve as a key driver in helping Encounter achieve its strategic growth goals.

Key Responsibilities include but are not limited to:
Establish clear goals, bench­marks and metrics for constant moni­toring of progress.
Develop and imple­ment multi-year devel­op­ment plans and accom­pa­nying work plans.
Expand revenue streams including foun­da­tion funders and indi­vidual donors of large and small gift sizes, and tailor strategy to each revenue stream.
Oversee stew­ard­ship and moves manage­ment program for major donors and prospects; Establish a donor pipeline and research func­tion; Create and imple­ment engage­ment oppor­tu­ni­ties and multiple touch-points for donors and funders.
Oversee direct-mail and email campaigns and online fundraising strategy, inte­grating use of social media.
Oversee and manage the grant-writing func­tions including respon­si­bility for proposals, reports and an insti­tu­tional funder pipeline.
Draft donor commu­ni­ca­tions and design collat­eral materials.
Work with website designer to revamp and online commu­ni­ca­tions materials.
Ensure seam­less and coor­di­nated commu­ni­ca­tions and messaging strate­gies; Maintain organization-wide calendar.
Ensure integrity of all donor data-related func­tions and the acknowl­edg­ment process.
Partner with Finance and Operations on all aspects of budgeting, including projec­tions and regular moni­toring of revenue.
Partner with the Director of Community Engagement to bolster recruit­ment and alumni engage­ment activities.
Serve as staff liaison to the Board in all aspects of their indi­vidual fundraising responsibilities.
Serve as staff liaison to the Board fundraising committee.
Participate in the moni­toring and eval­u­a­tion of impact in part­ner­ship with the senior lead­er­ship team.

Strong commit­ment to and passion for the mission of Encounter;
Ability to artic­u­late the impor­tance of the organization’s work;
Outstanding inter­per­sonal skills with the ability to deal effec­tively with a wide range of indi­vid­uals and groups, while demon­strating warmth, integrity and professionalism;
Minimum of five years of increas­ingly respon­sible devel­op­ment and commu­ni­ca­tions experience;
Proven track record in major gifts and foun­da­tion fundraising;
Strong manage­ment skills with a record of super­vising and mentoring staff;
Demonstrated ability to develop, foster, and sustain relationships;
Excellent verbal and written commu­ni­ca­tion skills;
Comfort working in a growing orga­ni­za­tion, including flex­i­bility to simul­ta­ne­ously perform a wide variety of tasks;
Ability to work success­fully with people at all levels within the orga­ni­za­tion; a team player;
Experience with donor data­bases; famil­iarity with Salesforce a plus;
Knowledge of and expe­ri­ence with the American Jewish communal landscape.

How to apply
For imme­diate consid­er­a­tion, please send your resume and cover letter (both in PDF format) to jobs@​encounterprograms.​org and indi­cate your name and “Development and Communications posi­tion” in the subject line. Applications accepted on a rolling basis. Priority will be given to appli­ca­tions submitted by March 15, 2016.
